RWBY - Episode 02 (EN).

Title: The Shining Beacon (Part 1)
Episode length: 6:15    
Original air date: July 25, 2013

Description (Source: wikipedia):
Yang and Ruby arrive at Beacon Academy, but Yang quickly leaves Ruby alone to hang with friends.

Ruby subsequently bumps into Weiss after knocking over some cases of Dust.

Weiss starts scolding Ruby for this until Blake intervenes, noting Weiss is an heiress to a major energy company.

Blake then criticizes the company's practices, irking Weiss.

Weiss leaves in frustration, while Blake casually walks away.

Alone again, Ruby then meets Jaune, who was throwing up on the airship in the previous episode.

Together, they walk around the campus, showing each other their weapons, before realizing they don't know where they need to go.

RWBY - Episode 02

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