RWBY - Episode 09 (EN).

Title: The Badge and the Burden (Part 1)
Episode length: 5:31
Original air date: September 12, 2013

Description (Source: wikipedia):
The following morning, the RWBY team decorate their room.

After arranging their other furnishings, they fashion their beds into bunk beds.

As Ruby starts to talk about classes, Weiss realizes, that it is time for their first class.

Immediately, the team rushes over to class, alerting the members of Team JNPR to do the same.

During class, Professor Port lectures about the Grimm and starts relaying a story, while Ruby quietly kids around.

Frustrated with Ruby's behavior, Weiss volunteers for the professor's test for a 1-on-1 fight against a Boarbatusk.

RWBY - Episode 09

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