RWBY - Episode 10 (EN).

Title: The Badge and the Burden (Part 2)
Episode length: 6:58
Original air date: September 19, 2013

Description (Source: wikipedia):
Weiss takes on the Boarbatusk but is often distracted by Ruby as she yells out unneeded advice.

After some trouble, she takes down the Boarbatusk, and Professor Port compliments her.

After class, Weiss expresses her displeasure to Ruby about her leadership position and claims that she would be better as leader. Just as Weiss leaves, Ozpin walks over and talks to Ruby.

Outside the class building, Weiss talks to Professor Port in disagreement with Ozpin's choice of Ruby as the group leader, but the professor disagrees, expressing faith in Ozpin's decisions.

At the end of their respective discussions, both of the girls are advised to improve their attitudes and accept their respective roles.

That night, Weiss awakens a sleeping, but studious, Ruby, and this time, Weiss acts considerably nicer towards her.

RWBY - Episode 10

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