RWBY - Episode 11 (EN).

Title: Jaunedice (Part 1)
Episode length: 4:50
Original air date: September 26, 2013

Description (Source: wikipedia):
Jaune is having a staged match with Cardin in the assembly area and is soundly defeated.

Following the match, Glynda Goodwich advises a dispirited Jaune about the efficient use of his aura during combat.

After Nora describes a recurring dream during lunch, the other members of JNPR and the members of RWBY express concern about Cardin bullying Jaune.

They point out various incidents of bullying and offer some help, but Jaune dismisses it.

In the meantime, Cardin and his team members were bullying a bunny-eared Faunus girl, named Velvet.

As Jaune leaves the table, Cardin is shown eying Jaune.

RWBY - Episode 11

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