RWBY - Episode 12 (EN).

Title: Jaunedice (Part 2)
Episode length: 7:25
Original air date: October 3, 2013

Description (Source: wikipedia):
Professor Oobleck is conducting a lecture on the Faunus War and follows up with a series of questions.

Cardin gets an inattentive Jaune called upon to answer one, and Jaune struggles to answer.

Pyrrha tries to signal the answer to Jaune, but he misunderstands and answers incorrectly.

Cardin is asked the same question and gives a mildly offensive answer.

In response, Pyrrha gives the proper answer.

After class, Oobleck assigns Jaune and Cardin extra work to address their poor grades.

Pyrrha talks to Jaune on the roof about his struggles and wants to help him.

He responds that he does not deserve to be there, confessing that he used fake transcripts to get into Beacon.

Pyrrha leaves at Jaune's request, but Cardin shows up and says he heard the confession.

In turn, Cardin blackmails Jaune to be his "friend" and do his class work in exchange for silence.

RWBY - Episode 12

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