RWBY - Episode 04 (EN).

Title: The First Step (Part 1)
Episode length: 7:36  
Original air date: August 8, 2013

Description (Source: wikipedia):
Nora wakes up Ren and continually chats with him throughout the morning, musing about being teammates.

They walk by Yang and Ruby, who are at their lockers also talking about teams as well.

Instead of teaming up, Yang suggests Ruby be more outgoing and find a team of her own.

In the meantime, Weiss is nearby, having a similar discussion with Pyrrha, when Jaune shows up to flirt with both of them and asks about having them on his team.

After they both rebuff him, the students are ordered to head out for their initiation. At the top of a cliff, Glynda and Ozpin confirm the rumors about teams.

Ozpin informs them that the first person each of them make eye contact with upon landing in Emerald Forest below is their first team member.

The students are then launched into the forest by pads to begin initiation.

RWBY - Episode 04 (EN).

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