RWBY - Episode 05 (EN).

Title: The First Step (Part 2)
Episode length: 4:30  
Original air date: August 15, 2013

Description (Source: wikipedia):
The students propel through the air. While most of them are finding ways to land, Jaune is falling aimlessly until Pyrrha uses her spear to pin him to a tree.

When Ruby lands she begins searching for Yang and contemplates other desirable partners, only to run into Weiss.

Despite the rules, Weiss walks away from Ruby, but returns when the next person she sees is Jaune stuck to a tree. Soon afterwards, Pyrrha arrives at Jaune's location.

To prove her worth to Weiss, Ruby shows off her speed.

However, Ruby then seemingly disappears, leaving Weiss alone as black monsters—the Grimm—surround her.

RWBY - Episode 05 (EN).

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