RWBY - Episode 06 (EN).

Title: The Emerald Forest (Part 1)
Episode length: 7:14
Original air date: August 22, 2013

Description (Source: wikipedia):
Yang is walking through the forest and encounters two bear-like Grimm, Ursas.

She defeats one, while Blake eliminates the other.

Elsewhere, Weiss is also fighting the Grimm surrounding her, when Ruby gets in front of an attack.

Weiss redirects her strike at a tree, which sets the forest on fire and forces Weiss and Ruby to retreat.

After escaping, they begin arguing over how each of them handled the fight.

Meanwhile, Pyrrha teaches Jaune about using his Aura, the manifestation of his soul, for protection.

She explains the nature of Auras and the Grimm to Jaune and helps him unlock his Aura.

During her explanation, Ren is shown battling a large snake-type Grimm, a King Taijitu, demonstrating the power of his Aura.

Eventually, Ren kills the King Taijitu and its partner.

After the fight, Nora appears beside him, hanging upside-down from a branch.

RWBY - Episode 06

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