RWBY - Episode 07 (EN).

Title: The Emerald Forest (Part 2)
Episode length: 4:47
Original air date: August 29, 2013

Description (Source: wikipedia):
Glynda and Ozpin monitor the students as they fight through the forest.

Glynda expresses doubt about Jaune's ability and the effectiveness of Ren and Nora as a pair, while Ozpin focuses on Ruby and Weiss with trepidation.

A displeased Weiss is pacing, unclear of the forest temple's location, and the two argue again.

Elsewhere, Yang and Blake manage to locate the temple and find several chess pieces, which appear to be the relics.

Meanwhile, Jaune takes Pyrrha through a cave he thinks is the temple and they encounter a giant scorpion Grimm, a Deathstalker, which bursts out of the cave and flings Jaune through the air.

Back at the temple, Ruby is falling through the air towards Blake and Yang.

RWBY - Episode 07

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