RWBY - Episode 14 (EN).

Title: Forever Fall (Part 2)
Episode length: 6:08
Original air date: October 17, 2013

Cardin and Lark are beating up Jaune when an Ursa shows up and starts attacking Cardin, attracted by the red sap. As his teammates flee, a disarmed Cardin is left behind with the Ursa.

When the fleeing members of CRDL run past the RWBY team and the other members of team JNPR, Pyrrha, Weiss, and Ruby, go to help Jaune and find him fighting to protect Cardin.

Weiss prepares to intervene, but Pyrrha holds her back and instead uses her magnetic ability to move Jaune's shield so that it blocks the Ursa's paw swipe and allows Jaune an opening to cut off the Ursa's head.

After helping Cardin up, Jaune orders Cardin to leave his team alone. Later that night, Jaune and Pyrrha reconcile on the roof, and Jaune accepts her previous offer to train him. 

RWBY - Episode 14

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